In my inner winter, I not only take time to reflect on my past month, but also draw new strength through these processes, which I express in my paintings. Painting with my menstrual blood gives me a deep connection with my feminine power on the one hand and allows me to fully develop my creative potential on the other.
You are welcome to purchase prints.

Our womb is the centre of our uterus. Not only a powerful organ but also the energy centre of our sexual energy, our creativity and creative power.
It is an entire universe in which new life is created and grows. From it, the miracle of the human being is born, but also projects and ideas.
As a woman, you can connect with your abdomen, with the source of your creative power. I wish you much joy and magical moments on this journey, whereby you will be surprised by yourself and what lies dormant within you time and again. A lot of strength to look at the places and feelings that have blocked you from fully realising your potential.
"Womb of Creation"

I am. And that really is enough. I am perfect just the way I am. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I am the most important person in my life I can let go of everything and everyone that does not serve my True Self. I let go with ease. Because I trust the divine. I open myself to people and things in my life that serve my True Self with love, respect and openness.
I am grateful for who I am. For the beauty and the people that surround me. I surrender and trust. I am open to receive. I give up control to God and take responsibility when it is needed. I grow into my power with love, gratitude and patience. I am beautiful just as I am right now. Just as I am, I am welcome.
"I AM"
In the cycle of life, we draw circles and circles that rise in spirals and allow us to grow.
Femininity means cyclical consciousness, growing, blossoming, dying and being reborn. From darkness into light.
Letting go and opening up again.
"Spiral of Life"

I am the creator of my reality from my feelings and emotions.
Feeling my way through my shadows gives me the freedom to be who I want. Not to react, but to create.
"Free to be"
Wood colours, pencil, felt-tip pen
Verbena found its way to me the year my father passed away. I later realised that it is such a loving companion in the grieving process.
In connection with Venus, it rises through a powerful stem and forms a channel of light, at the ends of which delicate little flowers shine. This plant not only strengthens the nervous system, but also the uterus, making it a wonderful plant for women.
"Verbena officinalis"